
Specific Spinal Adjustments

Adjusting the spine is the cornerstone of chiropractic. We utilize multiple techniques in order to provide the greatest service to our patients. Along with the traditional manual adjustments, your doctor may use special tables or adjusting instruments for infants, children, and pregnant women.

Physical Therapy

Certain types of physical therapy are used at Graham Chiropractic. Depending on your history and examination findings, your doctor may add a regimen of physical therapy modalities designed to help the healing process of muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Exercise Counseling

Learning how to use your body properly is an essential part of the chiropractic approach to health. Throughout your chiropractic care, you will be instructed in the proper use of an exercise program, custom-tailored to your individual needs. These exercises become an integral part, not only of getting well, but of staying well.

Nutritional Counseling

Simply stated, “You are what you eat.” Often, the difference between regaining health and remaining ill is the patient’s eating and drinking habits. During your initial consultation, your doctor will ask specific questions to determine if you require special nutritional advice. It is a critically important part of your chiropractic care.



Your neck is the most vulnerable part of your spine. Not only does it support your 10-to-12-pound head, maintain a gentle forward curve, and permits head rotation, but it must also allow the free flow of nerve impulses to the head, face, hands and the rest of your body. Besides discomfort and annoyance, chronic neck pain is a sign that something is wrong.


There are many types and causes of headaches. Regardless of the case, if you have a headache, you want it to end. Fast! While medications may cover the symptoms of headaches, these approaches can cause adverse effects and they don’t correct the underlying cause of the headache.


The nerve-rich facet joints on the back side of each spinal bones are the common cause of back pain. If these pairs of interlocking “fingers” aren’t moving right, they can cause painful symptoms. The discs between the discs between spinal bones can be the cause of pain as well.


Sciatica can be a distracting pain that starts in the lower back and extends down into one or both legs. Chiropractic care has proven to be quite helpful. The pain usually worsens with long periods of sitting or standing.


Every few seconds, somebody is involved in a car accident. People who have been involved in a collision will suffer trauma to some degree. A collision at only 8 miles per hour is powerful enough to cave in the steel of a bumper. Imagine how it has affected the delicate ligaments in your neck. If 8 miles per hour can cause damage to your spine, imagine what happens at 35, 45 or even 55 miles per hour! Many times I’ve had patients come into my office who’ve been suffering with neck & back pain for 20 years, and when I took a case history, I discovered that the trouble all stemmed from an auto accident they had a long time ago. They didn’t connect the dots & make the connection that all this misery & suffering they’ve been dealing with all this time was a result of that one accident all those years ago!

As a Chiropractor, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked at x-rays of a patient and told them they were in an auto accident 20 years ago. The patient looks at me incredulously and says, “How in the world did you know?” And my response to them is – I can see it on the x-ray. If your spine gets knocked out of alignment, over time it will start to degenerate & wear out prematurely. It’s often not a matter of “if”, it’s a matter of “when”.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an auto accident you need to get your spine checked immediately. If you are suffering with any kind of symptoms, it could be a sign that you have suffered some kind of damage to your spine and nervous system. It is vitally important that you receive treatment by Graham Chiropractic; Dr. Glenn Graham specializes in treating auto accident injuries.


Whether you’re a professional athlete, seeking to live an active lifestyle, or fall somewhere in between, a chiropractor can assist in recovery from an injury, and can even help prevent them from happening. The wear and tear of running, jumping, lifting,andother activities adds a great deal of stress to our bodies that if not compensated for can lead to devastating consequences. By visiting Graham Chiropractic on a regular basis,you can assist your body in taking care of itself.

Chiropractic is designed to instantly allow your body to heal better. That means with every visit to our office you assist your body towards a quick recovery. Graham Chiropractic looks at the underlying issue, not just the surface. The most common injuries we treat are sprains, strains, knee injuries, and tennis elbow. In our offices we offer Electrical Stimulation Therapy and Hydrotherapy Massage Tables. Electrical Stimulation Therapy is used to help control pain, muscle contractions, as well as reduce swelling caused by fluid in the body’s tissues. Our Hydrotherapy Massage Table is used to relax tension in your body by giving you a soothing massage to help break up scar tissue and knots. These two tools paired with precise adjustments are what will ease your body into an efficient recovery.

Prevention is key to ensuring the best quality of life while working towards your physical goals. By coming in for periodic adjustments, we are able to keep your body working with you, not against. When a vertebra is out of alignment,the signals your brain sends throughout your body are disrupted. This disruptance is referred to as a subluxation. Signs of a subluxation can be detected by a chiropractor before they cause enough damage to be decoded by you, which is why it is important to periodically visit us to ensure subluxations are not ignored. Subluxations are caused by emotional stress, physical stress, and chemical stress and are the leading cause of impaired immune function, decreased mental function, and altered emotional stability. Keeping your spine aligned is the most natural form of maintenance you can provide to your body to prevent injuries.


Chiropractic care isn’t just for you; it’s for your whole family. From infants to senior citizens, everyone can benefit from the gentle touch of a chiropractor. Here at Graham Chiropractic we assist all ages from infants, to adults, and our community’s senior citizens; our patients live the best quality of life.


The purpose of an adjustment for a newborn baby is to ease the correction of vertebral subluxation that develops in the spine due to stress. A baby undergoes much stress while developing in the womb and even more so when born. Too much stress can create tangible vertebral subluxation in their spines that can be detected by chiropractors. Infants also have better sleeping patterns, healthier brain development, and have a stronger immune system while receiving chiropractic care.

Children and Young Adults

Due to the increase in chronic childhood diseases,many families proactively seek alternative health care for their children. Chiropractors offer natural treatment and prevention against many chronic and acute conditions during those most crucial years of development.

Adults and Senior Citizens

You wake up and feel your joints popping and muscles aching. It’s the mattress you wanted to replace three years ago, too many hours spent sitting, and many other details that add stress to your mind and body. As we grow older it is important to ensure our bodies are working with us, not against. By seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis you are making the choice to ensure you live the best quality of life throughout your whole life. Chiropractic care is a stepping stone to growing up without growing old.